Friday, 8 August 2014

Am I blind, or is everyone else blinkered?

It is official: I am 22, and I already have marriage goggles.

Abandon all attractiveness, ye who enter here

This was proven a few weeks back, when I made my customary 'I-am-still-on-time-with-one-minute-to-spare-' dash into work. Before I had even made it to the team room, I was being stopped in the corridor (not a good thing - I had ONE MINUTE TO SPARE, PEOPLE!) to be told my day was "about to get better". As is usual for me in the morning, I spared them a confused look and pressed on towards my ever-present goal of not-lateness.

When I finally made it in there (on time, go me) it turned out what was going to improve my day was...

...wait for it...

A student paramedic, with more than a passing resemblance to Daniel Craig, was shadowing me for the day.
Imagine this, in paramedic uniform, and you've about got it
Now, I have nothing against paramedics (in fact, I respect them a lot), or Daniel Craig (I'm indifferent) but the amount of drooling from every other female in the area....I practically had to beat people out of my way with a stick to get any work done.

So, it is official; not only am I out of the butt grading committee (apparently I can't tell a good 'un from average) but I am trapped behind marriage goggles for all eternity.

Am I doomed to forever judge people on their personalities?

The horror.

Somebody get the violins out.

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